Sunday, March 13, 2011


On March 2nd, we lost our beloved dog, Roxy (aka "Mama"). Her illness seemed to come out of nowhere; but the reality is that she'd been living with a cancerous tumor for sometime. We just didn't know it. Inexplicably, it chose that day to bleed out into her stomach causing irreparable damage.

We brought Roxy home when she was 8 weeks old, and she was truly a loved member of our family, my first baby. She had a great personality and was great with our kids. She was the sweetest dog. Literally a 110 pound lap dog. Roxy's ferocious bark and intimidating size hid the fact that she was a softy at heart. She was always looking for playful wrestling, some ear scratching or a belly rub. Content to be wherever we were. Mad if she thought we were taking a trip without her. She went just about everywhere we did - our "Ride or Die" dog. Her "gotta go" dance was hilarious. I loved it when she'd nudge my arm up with her head so she could lay her big head in my lap while I worked on the computer. The definition of unconditional love.

Sometimes Roxy drove us crazy. Barking incessantly at the squirrels and deer in our yard, often waking our son. Grabbin paper towel out of the garbage and leaving them shredded all over the floor for us to find in the morning. Rolling around outside in some unknown, smelly substance then coming back into the house as if she'd done nothing wrong. Refusing to move when she was blocking the stairs. Her constant clamoring for attention. But those same things that drove us crazy were the same things that endeared her to us even more (except the smelly stuff!).

For the last 2 years, "Mama" had been my daily companion. To say that I was devastated is an understatement. As hard as it was to say goodbye to her, it was even harder to witness her obvious discomfort. The look in her eyes in the moments before her death was heartbreaking. There was no way we could let her suffer. So we hugged her, petted her, scratched her ears, rubbed her belly, told her that we loved her then said goodbye. I hope she knew just how important she was to us and how much we loved her.

There is comfort in knowing that in the last two days of her life, she was happy. We took a walk around the neighborhood. We had not done that since late fall. The morning of the day she died, she found one of her balls in the backyard. We played fetch for a while; and she was so happy chasing that ball around in the snow. Little did I know that hours later she'd be gone.

Today would have been Roxy's 6th birthday. Instead of celebrating with a special doggie treat, we will go to the pet cemetery and remember our fondest memories. Our house is quiet these days, too quiet. We may eventually get another dog, maybe even another Rottweilier. But my Roxy was one of a kind; and we'll never have another like her.

Our 3 year old son says Roxy is in Doggie Heaven playing with the other dogs. I hope she's having a great time!!!!

Rest in Peace, Mama. We love and miss you!

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